About Us

Welcome to data survey

We provide the base of crucial strategic decisions. 

Who Are We

We are a 16 year old research and feedback team. We are leaders in market activation and survey with developed practices and dedicated domain experts.  We have presences in Kingdom of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia and operational presence in entire middle east.

Our Mission

We intent to play a important role as a partner in decision making with major brands. We have been growing organically with a moto to spread our research capabilities in America, Middle East and India.In August 2021 we have opened our office in New Jersey.

What We Do

Our 6-D Process



Everything thing starts with understanding. We adopt a very thorough assessment process. 



Defining the problem right can bring us very close to the solution it self. Our gap analysis capabilities defines loopholes.



Algorithms and methodology designed by domain expert can make the data collection task much simpler and easy to understand.



Data collection tools and approaches are developed based on nature of the audience and desired record points 



One of the most crucial part is execution development and deployed has back and fourth steps to improvise with every fact finding to make sure the campaign collects the right information.



Reports and presentations, brainstorming, SWOT analysis and final conclusions are not over without a proper knowledge transfer. We bring the best of the expert to deliver the details to the end users.

Why Choose Us?

“When research walks on the field, judgment does not walk off.” – Dick Kampe

We have best research, data collection and feedback  practices for Oil and gas, aviation, banking and finance, automobiles and retails.

We keep our results and records intact for the entire life cycle of the product, brand or services.

Our projects are ROI driven and we present reports on returns at the end of each project.

Our team consist of the best domain experts and consultants. 

Most of our demanding projects are handled by project managers, dedicated account managers and full back office team.

Some Numbers

These are just few of the numbers..

Satisfied Clients
Projects Completed
Accolades Earned
1 K+
Lines of Code

Would you like to start a project with us?

Our team is eager to help you with any research and development project , creating a powerful ROI reporting on your marketing campaigns or just a free assessment.




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